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Power of Plants: Seeds

Most plants start their lives as tiny seeds. Seeds can be as tiny as a grain of side or bigger than a fingernail. Some are round, while others are flat or tear-shaped. Seed plants fall into two groups, angiosperms and gymnosperms

Angiosperms are the flowering plants. Their seeds develop inside a female reproductive part of the flower, called the ovary. Which usually ripens into a protective fruit.

Gymnosperms (Conifers, Ginkgo, and Cycads) do not havr flowers or ovaries. Their seeds mature inside cones.

Seeds may be carried away from the parent plant by wind, water, animals, gravity or burst open.

Animals can transport seeds from one place to another when seeds attach to their fur or when an animal eats fruits with seeds. The seeds go through the digestive tract and left in scat. 

Seeds can be transported by water. The Coconut is buoyant and water plants like Cattails float. 

Dandelions are a perfect example of seeds carried away by wind

Some seed pods are designed to explode and throw the seeds a good distance from the parent plant, The eneray to burst open has been compared to how a Snap Bracelet coils by Scientists!

The Coco de Mer seed is the largest seed of the plant kingdom, however it does not get too far from it's parent plant. It's large, brown seed falls to the ground below. Too dense to float on water the seed will germinate in the location that gravity places it. 

Some seeds need light to germinate. Others need darkness. All seeds need moisture, oxygen and the right temperature to germinate, or grow. Until they have these conditions, the seed remains dormant and does nothing. 


Inside a seed is an embryo, which is a tiny plant, and the endosperm, which are small leaves which supply the embryo food. The outside of the seed has a seed coat, which protects the embryo from injury or drying out.

Get Planting! A Pair of Children's Garden Gloves are in this month's At Home Play Pak: The Power of Plants!

Watch the replay on Facebook or Instagram of two read alouds this week: 

A Seed is Sleepy by author Dianna Hutts Aston and illustrator Sylvia Long and Plants Can't Sit Still by Rebecca E. Hirsch and illustrator Mia Posada.

Science Literacy Live occurs weekly on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM EST. 

A second weekly Livestream on Thursdays at 1:30 PM EST features this week's facts as written in this blog and a craft idea! This past "Facts + Crafts Live" featured Seed Art or Crop Art. 

The Free Infographic is available at the bottom of the page. 

Play along! There's been $10 shopping credits, prizes, and even an upcoming book giveaway when you drop an emoji in the comments of specific posts for 1 raffle entry or double your chance when you watch either Livestream! 

This week's Seed theme had 4 emojis to choose: 

Flowers (contain seeds).

Fruit (contain seeds).

Animal (Animal move seeds).

Any Seed Emoji.

Look for posts on Facebook or Instagram for next week's raffle! 


Thank you for reading this Science Lesson Blog written by certified educator of Philanthrolab Science Shop Ms. Stacey The Science Lady. With over 12 years of teaching experience and creative Science curriculum development, her mission is to inspire children to have a love of Science. She is the owner of Philanthrolab Science Shop. An online shop of 50+ Fun & Affordable Science Toys - ALL $10 or LESS! Featuring The At Home Play Pak, Satchel of Science, and The DIY Sci Kit 

Do you have a Budding Botantist? The Power of Plants will be the theme covered all month long. Watch Livestreams and read Blogs to learn about the topics of parts of a plants, germination, plant adaptations, and pollination. Support these concepts with the Power of Plants At Home Play Pak, available now! 

The At Home Play Pak accompanies the concepts of the Livestreams.







